Summer Festival Podcast Robot Heart
Wednesday | 18:00 | trending_flat | 19:00 |
Dr Samke Ngcobo is a medical doctor, speaker and author who has a
passion for mental health. She is a mental health advocate who is living
with a mental illness since the age of 14 and believes that the best
storyteller about mental health issues is the one living with it.
With this in mind, she founded a non-profit organisation called Sisters For
Mental Health ( which seeks to
empower the community to obtain support in their mental health struggles
and to create a community which connects about mental health in order
to combat the scourge of stigma which surrounds those who live with
mental illnesses.
Nompumelelo Ranaka – Nompumelelo is a central part of South Africa’s first family reality show, the Ranakas, she is a director of Humans of South Africa. Nompumelelo was amongst the pioneers of Etihad airways, making it the five-star airline it is today, as a cabin manager, in-flightservice and cabin crew grooming facilitator. She has lived in the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong and Bahrain and worked as a translator in Hong Kong High Court and a nexus flight operations as a global concierge.